Faculty FAQ Skip to main content

Faculty FAQ

General Information

  • You can not make changes directly in Faculty Profile, but you can easily make changes on the Contact tab in Personal Information. (There is also a link to this site on the Personal and Contact Information page in Faculty Profile.) Changes to your personal information will generally appear in the Faculty Profile within 24-48 hours.
  • A "Vita" report is available from the Custom Reports menu or from Rapid Reports. This report uses the information faculty members enter into Faculty Profile and creates a CV in a general format that can be used by faculty and administration. See Running Reports for more detail on how to run this report.
  • The International Expertise screen has two sections: International Experience and Foreign Languages. You can add information about International Experiences you have under the International Experience section. Add one record for every country where you have some international experience. (Note: one record per country, NOT one record per experience.)

    The Foreign Languages section cannot be updated in Faculty Profile, but you can update your records on the Languages tab in Personal Information. (There is also a link to this site on the International Expertise screen in Faculty Profile.) Changes made will generally appear in Faculty Profile within 24-48 hours.
  • 1) The PasteBoard function (in the upper left-hand corner of the browser window when you are in Faculty Profile) provides a convenient place to store "working content," typically copy-and-pasted from another document or file. Placing your "working content" in the PasteBoard reduces the need to switch between multiple applications during data entry. Once text is in the PasteBoard, pieces of that text may be selected then copied-and-pasted (or dragged-and-dropped) into the appropriate field.

    2) You can also use the “CV Imports” function at the top of the screen, which will walk you through your entire CV and help you move each item you chose into Faculty Profile (see Import Activities from your CV).


  • Course data is loaded into Faculty Profile about two weeks after the grades are due at the end of each semester. If you believe you are missing any courses that should already be loaded into the system, please double check the data in the University system (called "AIM"), then submit a request to the OIT Service Desk with the missing courses, including section numbers, and we will look into this issue for you (e.g. Year Term, Course Prefix, Course Number, Section Number, Faculty Name/ID from AIM).

Scholarship and Citizenship

  • The University manges the Funding-External Grants (University Entered) for grants that go through ORCA. For corrections, please contact Michelle Prososki (michelle_prososki@byu.edu, N-181 ESC, 801-422-2290).

    Your college manages the Funding (College Entered) screen for all grants that they have decided to track. Contact your dean's office with questions or requests involving this information. See the Faculty Profile College Liaison list to find the contact in your college.

    You can enter any other grants that do not appropriately belong on either of these screens into the Funding (Faculty Entered) screen.
  • The university enters all data on this screen at the end of each calendar year. If the data for patents you filed at BYU are incorrect, contact Tech Transfer (2-6266). If you have patents not filed at BYU that you'd like to add, contact Jane Birch.
  • If the wrong person was entered, simply replace the person's name with the correct name. You may also want to notify the person who entered the data of this error. (The summary of current records for a screen lists the name of the person who entered the data. Click on that person's name, and an email form pops up.)
  • All collaborators have rights to edit the information about their publications. However, only one author (the person who created the entry) has the right to delete the entry entirely.
  • Use the Actions button on the right side to move a row. You can also drag and drop each row from the far left side.
  • Next to "Add another Author," click Add. In the resulting screen, enter the non-BYU faculty author's information in the fields (to the right of the drop-down box labeled BYU Faculty). This drop-down box lists all BYU faculty members, and the fields to the right are for the sole purpose of non-BYU faculty authors.
  • Yes, you can enter unpublished papers/research. You may also want to include a description of your progress on this work on the Annual Interview Preparation screen.
  • Inasmuch as there is considerable variability in professional activities across disciplines, please contact your chair or dean's office for counsel on this matter. See the College Liaison List to find the contact for your college. You can also find some useful information here: Publications and Creative Works Categories.
  • Inasmuch as there is considerable variability in professional activities across disciplines, please contact your chair or dean's office for counsel on this matter. See the College Liaison List to find the contact for your college.
  • There is no systematic way to move data from one place to another within Faculty Profile. However, you may find it useful to use the PasteBoard feature at the upper left-hand side of the browser window in Faculty Profile to assist in moving the data. For additional information, see PasteBoard in Tips and Shortcuts.

    You can also open two Faculty Profile windows and put them side by side, making it easier to move data from one screen to another.

Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment

  • Note that you are asked to report not just conflicts but all potential conflicts. Yes, this is a required form for every faculty member, regardless of whether or not you have conflicts or potential conflicts. Please complete this screen every year before the deadline set by the college in preparation for the Annual Stewardship Interview.

Faculty Development: Annual Interview

  • After you update your CV and convert it to a pdf, open the Annual Review Preparation and Documents Archive screen. Click on the current year and upload your CV here (you can drag and drop it on the marked field.

  • Please report this information as a faculty development activity on the Annual Review Preparation and Documents Archive screen.