Faculty Profile Screens Skip to main content

Faculty Profile Screens

Screen Description
Personal and Contact Information

The basic contact and rank & status data on this screen come from official BYU records and cannot be edited.

You can upload your photo and insert faculty directory information for your college webpage on this screen.

Yearly BYU Personnel Information The data on this screen come from official BYU records and cannot be edited: department, college, rank, Full or Adjunct, CFS Status, Track, etc.
Education Enter academic degrees and other important education experiences.
Non-BYU Employment History Enter every non-BYU job you have had that you want to include in your profile. (Do not include service/citizenship experiences. These should be entered on the Citizenship screens.)
International Expertise Enter data on any foreign country where you have had significant experience or expertise. This screen is for gathering data about international expertise for the International Vice President's office. It is NOT for recording every international experience you have had. Specific information about individual international experiences should appear in more detail on other screens, depending on the topic: Teaching, Scholarship, or Citizenship.
BYU Administrative Positions Enter BYU administrative positions that are appointed by the president or a vice president and are considered the primary job responsibility of the individual in the position. Please report all other administrative positions and assignments (including those appointed by deans and chairs) on the BYU Citizenship screen.
Licenses and Certifications Enter all professional licenses and certifications.
Professional Memberships List all memberships in a professional organization. Leadership positions should be reported on the Professional/Public Citizenship screen.
Awards and Honors List all professional awards and honors.
Consulting List all consulting you have done, both paid and pro-bono.
Scheduled Courses This data comes from official BYU records that cannot be edited in this system, though there are some fields you can add information to. Courses for each semester are loaded 2 weeks after grades are due. Please add any other teaching experiences on the Other Teaching screen.
Directed Student Learning Enter all directed student learning, including mentoring activities. Funding you receive for student mentoring should be entered by the college on the Funding (College Entered) or Funding (Faculty Entered) screen.
Other Teaching Enter teaching and presentations where you were the teacher/presenter, not the student/participant. Enter the latter on the Annual Review Preparation and Documents Archive screen.

Enter published works. (Note that you can import your publications from third-party sources.) You can also enter works in progress.

Questions regarding whether something should be classified as a creative work or publication, type of publication, or whether the publication is academically peer-reviewed/refereed should be directed to your chair or dean. For help determining whether a work should be entered in Publications or Creative Works, see Publications and Creative Works Categories.

Creative Works Enter creative works that were not published. This includes performances, exhibitions, and productions. Please report any published creative works on the Publications screen. For help determining whether a work should be entered in Publications or Creative Works, see Publications and Creative Works Categories.
Presentations Enter presentations in which you were the presenter.
Patents The university enters all data on this screen at the end of each calendar year. If the data for patents you filed at BYU are incorrect, contact Tech Transfer. If you have patents not filed at BYU that you'd like to add, contact Jane Birch.
Funding-External Grants (University Entered) This screen contains grants you have been funded at the University level. The university enters all the data from the official ROA Kuali reports. If you discover errors, contact Michelle Prososki.
Funding (College Entered) Your college office enters all data on this screen from official university reports. If you have questions or information that you would like included, please contact your dean's office. If there is funding that you want recorded that the College does not record here, you can enter it on the Funding (Faculty Entered) screen.
Funding (Faculty Entered) Normally, faculty should not need to enter funding on this screen as all official funding should be entered by the university or college on the previous screens. External grants that go through ROA are entered by the University on the Funding-External Grants (University Entered) screen. Your college enters additional funding from official university reports on the Funding (College Entered) screen. Faculty may enter additional funding on this screen if it does not properly belong on the previous screens.
BYU Citizenship Enter BYU Citizenship activities. Do not enter information about BYU administrative positions that are appointed by the president or a vice president (and are considered the primary job responsibility of the individual) on this screen. These should be entered on the BYU Administrative Positions screen.
Professional/Public Citizenship Memberships in professional organizations should be reported on the Professional Memberships screen, but elected or appointed positions in those organizations should be entered here.
Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment Near the beginning of each calendar year BYU faculty members are required to certify that they are in compliance with the university Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Commitment Policy. Please complete this before your annual stewardship interview.
Annual Review Preparation and Documents Archive To be completed before your annual stewardship interview.